Source code for pygal.graph.stackedbar

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of pygal
# A python svg graph plotting library
# Copyright © 2012-2016 Kozea
# This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with pygal. If not, see <>.
Stacked Bar chart: Like a bar chart but with all series stacking
on top of the others instead of being displayed side by side.

from pygal.adapters import none_to_zero
from import Bar

[docs]class StackedBar(Bar): """Stacked Bar graph class""" _adapters = [none_to_zero] def _get_separated_values(self, secondary=False): """Separate values between positives and negatives stacked""" series = self.secondary_series if secondary else self.series transposed = list(zip(*[serie.values for serie in series])) positive_vals = [ sum([val for val in vals if val is not None and val >=]) for vals in transposed ] negative_vals = [ sum([val for val in vals if val is not None and val <]) for vals in transposed ] return positive_vals, negative_vals def _compute_box(self, positive_vals, negative_vals): """Compute Y min and max""" if self.range and self.range[0] is not None: self._box.ymin = self.range[0] else: self._box.ymin = negative_vals and min( min(negative_vals), ) or if self.range and self.range[1] is not None: self._box.ymax = self.range[1] else: self._box.ymax = positive_vals and max( max(positive_vals), ) or def _compute(self): """Compute y min and max and y scale and set labels""" positive_vals, negative_vals = self._get_separated_values() if self.logarithmic: positive_vals = list( filter(lambda x: x >, positive_vals) ) negative_vals = list( filter(lambda x: x >, negative_vals) ) self._compute_box(positive_vals, negative_vals) positive_vals = positive_vals or [] negative_vals = negative_vals or [] self._x_pos = [ x / self._len for x in range(self._len + 1) ] if self._len > 1 else [0, 1] # Center if only one value self._points(self._x_pos) self.negative_cumulation = [0] * self._len self.positive_cumulation = [0] * self._len if self.secondary_series: positive_vals, negative_vals = self._get_separated_values(True) positive_vals = positive_vals or [] negative_vals = negative_vals or [] self.secondary_negative_cumulation = [0] * self._len self.secondary_positive_cumulation = [0] * self._len self._pre_compute_secondary(positive_vals, negative_vals) self._x_pos = [(i + .5) / self._len for i in range(self._len)] def _pre_compute_secondary(self, positive_vals, negative_vals): """Compute secondary y min and max""" self._secondary_min = ( negative_vals and min(min(negative_vals), ) or self._secondary_max = ( positive_vals and max(max(positive_vals), ) or def _bar(self, serie, parent, x, y, i, zero, secondary=False): """Internal stacking bar drawing function""" if secondary: cumulation = ( self.secondary_negative_cumulation if y < else self.secondary_positive_cumulation ) else: cumulation = ( self.negative_cumulation if y < else self.positive_cumulation ) zero = cumulation[i] cumulation[i] = zero + y if zero == 0: zero = y -= y += zero width = (self.view.x(1) - self.view.x(0)) / self._len x, y = self.view((x, y)) y = y or 0 series_margin = width * self._series_margin x += series_margin width -= 2 * series_margin if self.secondary_series: width /= 2 x += int(secondary) * width serie_margin = width * self._serie_margin x += serie_margin width -= 2 * serie_margin height = self.view.y(zero) - y r = serie.rounded_bars * 1 if serie.rounded_bars else 0 self.svg.transposable_node( parent, 'rect', x=x, y=y, rx=r, ry=r, width=width, height=height, class_='rect reactive tooltip-trigger' ) return x, y, width, height def _plot(self): """Draw bars for series and secondary series""" for serie in self.series[::-1 if self.stack_from_top else 1]: for serie in self.secondary_series[::-1 if self.stack_from_top else 1]:, True)