# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of pygal
# A python svg graph plotting library
# Copyright © 2012-2016 Kozea
# This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with pygal. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"""Various config options tested on one chart type or more"""
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from pygal import (
XY, Bar, Box, Config, DateLine, DateTimeLine, Dot, Funnel, Gauge,
Histogram, HorizontalBar, HorizontalLine, HorizontalStackedBar,
HorizontalStackedLine, Line, Pie, Pyramid, Radar, SolidGauge,
TimeDeltaLine, TimeLine, Treemap, formatters)
from pygal._compat import _ellipsis, u
from pygal.graph.dual import Dual
from pygal.graph.horizontal import HorizontalGraph
from pygal.graph.map import BaseMap
from pygal.test.utils import texts
[docs]def test_config_behaviours():
"""Test that all different way to set config produce same results"""
line1 = Line()
line1.show_legend = False
line1.fill = True
line1.pretty_print = True
line1.no_prefix = True
line1.x_labels = ['a', 'b', 'c']
line1.add('_', [1, 2, 3])
l1 = line1.render()
q = line1.render_pyquery()
assert len(q(".axis.x")) == 1
assert len(q(".axis.y")) == 1
assert len(q(".plot .series path")) == 1
assert len(q(".legend")) == 0
assert len(q(".x.axis .guides")) == 3
assert len(q(".y.axis .guides")) == 11
assert len(q(".dots")) == 3
assert q(".axis.x text").map(texts) == ['a', 'b', 'c']
line2 = Line(
x_labels=['a', 'b', 'c'])
line2.add('_', [1, 2, 3])
l2 = line2.render()
assert l1 == l2
class LineConfig(Config):
show_legend = False
fill = True
pretty_print = True
no_prefix = True
x_labels = ['a', 'b', 'c']
line3 = Line(LineConfig)
line3.add('_', [1, 2, 3])
l3 = line3.render()
assert l1 == l3
line4 = Line(LineConfig())
line4.add('_', [1, 2, 3])
l4 = line4.render()
assert l1 == l4
line_config = Config()
line_config.show_legend = False
line_config.fill = True
line_config.pretty_print = True
line_config.no_prefix = True
line_config.x_labels = ['a', 'b', 'c']
line5 = Line(line_config)
line5.add('_', [1, 2, 3])
l5 = line5.render()
assert l1 == l5
l6 = Line(line_config)(1, 2, 3, title='_').render()
assert l1 == l6
[docs]def test_config_alterations_class():
"""Assert a config can be changed on config class"""
class LineConfig(Config):
no_prefix = True
show_legend = False
fill = True
pretty_print = True
x_labels = ['a', 'b', 'c']
line1 = Line(LineConfig)
line1.add('_', [1, 2, 3])
l1 = line1.render()
LineConfig.stroke = False
line2 = Line(LineConfig)
line2.add('_', [1, 2, 3])
l2 = line2.render()
assert l1 != l2
l1bis = line1.render()
assert l1 == l1bis
[docs]def test_config_alterations_instance():
"""Assert a config can be changed on instance"""
class LineConfig(Config):
no_prefix = True
show_legend = False
fill = True
pretty_print = True
x_labels = ['a', 'b', 'c']
config = LineConfig()
line1 = Line(config)
line1.add('_', [1, 2, 3])
l1 = line1.render()
config.stroke = False
line2 = Line(config)
line2.add('_', [1, 2, 3])
l2 = line2.render()
assert l1 != l2
l1bis = line1.render()
assert l1 == l1bis
[docs]def test_config_alterations_kwargs():
"""Assert a config can be changed with keyword args"""
class LineConfig(Config):
no_prefix = True
show_legend = False
fill = True
pretty_print = True
x_labels = ['a', 'b', 'c']
config = LineConfig()
line1 = Line(config)
line1.add('_', [1, 2, 3])
l1 = line1.render()
line1.stroke = False
l1bis = line1.render()
assert l1 != l1bis
line2 = Line(config)
line2.add('_', [1, 2, 3])
l2 = line2.render()
assert l1 == l2
assert l1bis != l2
line3 = Line(config, title='Title')
line3.add('_', [1, 2, 3])
l3 = line3.render()
assert l3 != l2
l2bis = line2.render()
assert l2 == l2bis
[docs]def test_logarithmic():
"""Test logarithmic option"""
line = Line(logarithmic=True)
line.add('_', [1, 10 ** 10, 1])
q = line.render_pyquery()
assert len(q(".axis.x")) == 0
assert len(q(".axis.y")) == 1
assert len(q(".plot .series path")) == 1
assert len(q(".legend")) == 1
assert len(q(".x.axis .guides")) == 0
assert len(q(".y.axis .guides")) == 21
assert len(q(".dots")) == 3
[docs]def test_interpolation(Chart):
"""Test interpolation option"""
chart = Chart(interpolate='cubic')
chart.add('1', [1, 3, 12, 3, 4])
chart.add('2', [7, -4, 10, None, 8, 3, 1])
q = chart.render_pyquery()
assert len(q(".legend")) == 2
[docs]def test_no_data_interpolation(Chart):
"""Test interpolation option with no data"""
chart = Chart(interpolate='cubic')
q = chart.render_pyquery()
assert q(".text-overlay text").text() == "No data"
[docs]def test_no_data_with_empty_serie_interpolation(Chart):
"""Test interpolation option with an empty serie"""
chart = Chart(interpolate='cubic')
chart.add('Serie', [])
q = chart.render_pyquery()
assert q(".text-overlay text").text() == "No data"
[docs]def test_logarithmic_bad_interpolation():
"""Test interpolation option with a logarithmic chart"""
line = Line(logarithmic=True, interpolate='cubic')
line.add('_', [.001, .00000001, 1])
q = line.render_pyquery()
assert len(q(".y.axis .guides")) == 41
[docs]def test_logarithmic_big_scale():
"""Test logarithmic option with a large range of value"""
line = Line(logarithmic=True)
line.add('_', [10 ** -10, 10 ** 10, 1])
q = line.render_pyquery()
assert len(q(".y.axis .guides")) == 21
[docs]def test_logarithmic_small_scale():
"""Test logarithmic with a small range of values"""
line = Line(logarithmic=True)
line.add('_', [1 + 10 ** 10, 3 + 10 ** 10, 2 + 10 ** 10])
q = line.render_pyquery()
assert len(q(".y.axis .guides")) == 11
[docs]def test_human_readable():
"""Test human readable option"""
line = Line()
line.add('_', [10 ** 4, 10 ** 5, 23 * 10 ** 4])
q = line.render_pyquery()
assert q(".axis.y text").map(texts) == list(map(
str, range(20000, 240000, 20000)))
line.value_formatter = formatters.human_readable
q = line.render_pyquery()
assert q(".axis.y text").map(texts) == list(map(
lambda x: '%dk' % x, range(20, 240, 20)))
[docs]def test_show_legend():
"""Test show legend option"""
line = Line()
line.add('_', [1, 2, 3])
q = line.render_pyquery()
assert len(q(".legend")) == 1
line.show_legend = False
q = line.render_pyquery()
assert len(q(".legend")) == 0
[docs]def test_show_dots():
"""Test show dots option"""
line = Line()
line.add('_', [1, 2, 3])
q = line.render_pyquery()
assert len(q(".dots")) == 3
line.show_dots = False
q = line.render_pyquery()
assert len(q(".dots")) == 0
[docs]def test_no_data():
"""Test no data and no data text option"""
line = Line()
q = line.render_pyquery()
assert q(".text-overlay text").text() == "No data"
line.no_data_text = u("þæ®þ怀&ij¿’€")
q = line.render_pyquery()
assert q(".text-overlay text").text() == u("þæ®þ怀&ij¿’€")
[docs]def test_include_x_axis(Chart):
"""Test x axis inclusion option"""
chart = Chart()
if Chart in (
Pie, Treemap, Radar, Funnel, Dot, Gauge, Histogram, Box, SolidGauge
) or issubclass(Chart, BaseMap):
if not chart._dual:
data = 100, 200, 150
data = (1, 100), (3, 200), (2, 150)
chart.add('_', data)
q = chart.render_pyquery()
# Ghost thing
yaxis = ".axis.%s .guides text" % (
'y' if not getattr(chart, 'horizontal', False) else 'x')
if not isinstance(chart, Bar):
assert '0' not in q(yaxis).map(texts)
assert '0' in q(yaxis).map(texts)
chart.include_x_axis = True
q = chart.render_pyquery()
assert '0' in q(yaxis).map(texts)
[docs]def test_css(Chart):
"""Test css file option"""
css = "{{ id }}text { fill: #bedead; }\n"
with NamedTemporaryFile('w') as f:
config = Config()
config.css.append('file://' + f.name)
chart = Chart(config)
chart.add('/', [10, 1, 5])
svg = chart.render().decode('utf-8')
assert '#bedead' in svg
chart = Chart(css=(_ellipsis, 'file://' + f.name))
chart.add('/', [10, 1, 5])
svg = chart.render().decode('utf-8')
assert '#bedead' in svg
[docs]def test_inline_css(Chart):
"""Test inline css option"""
css = "{{ id }}text { fill: #bedead; }\n"
config = Config()
config.css.append('inline:' + css)
chart = Chart(config)
chart.add('/', [10, 1, 5])
svg = chart.render().decode('utf-8')
assert '#bedead' in svg
[docs]def test_label_rotation(Chart):
"""Test label rotation option"""
chart = Chart(x_label_rotation=28, y_label_rotation=76)
chart.add('1', [4, -5, 123, 59, 38])
chart.add('2', [89, 0, 8, .12, 8])
if not chart._dual:
chart.x_labels = ['one', 'twoooooooooooooooooooooo', 'three', '4']
q = chart.render_pyquery()
if Chart in (Line, Bar):
assert len(q('.axis.x text[transform^="rotate(28"]')) == 4
assert len(q('.axis.y text[transform^="rotate(76"]')) == 13
[docs]def test_legend_at_bottom(Chart):
"""Test legend at bottom option"""
chart = Chart(legend_at_bottom=True)
chart.add('1', [4, -5, 123, 59, 38])
chart.add('2', [89, 0, 8, .12, 8])
lab = chart.render()
chart.legend_at_bottom = False
assert lab != chart.render()
[docs]def test_x_y_title(Chart):
"""Test x title and y title options"""
chart = Chart(title='I Am A Title',
x_title="I am a x title",
y_title="I am a y title")
chart.add('1', [4, -5, 123, 59, 38])
chart.add('2', [89, 0, 8, .12, 8])
q = chart.render_pyquery()
assert len(q('.titles .title')) == 3
[docs]def test_range(Chart):
"""Test y label major option"""
if Chart in (
Pie, Treemap, Dot, SolidGauge
) or issubclass(Chart, BaseMap):
chart = Chart()
chart.range = (0, 100)
chart.add('', [1, 2, 10])
q = chart.render_pyquery()
axis = map(str, range(0, 101, 10))
if Chart == Radar:
axis = map(str, range(100, -1, -20))
z = 'x' if getattr(chart, 'horizontal', False) or Chart == Gauge else 'y'
assert [t.text for t in q('.axis.%s .guides text' % z)] == list(axis)
[docs]def test_x_label_major(Chart):
"""Test x label major option"""
if Chart in (
Pie, Treemap, Funnel, Dot, Gauge, Histogram, Box, SolidGauge,
Pyramid, DateTimeLine, TimeLine, DateLine,
) or issubclass(Chart, (BaseMap, Dual, HorizontalGraph)):
chart = Chart()
chart.add('test', range(12))
chart.x_labels = map(str, range(12))
q = chart.render_pyquery()
assert len(q(".axis.x text.major")) == 0
chart.x_labels_major = ['1', '5', '11', '1.0', '5.0', '11.0']
q = chart.render_pyquery()
assert len(q(".axis.x text.major")) == 3
assert len(q(".axis.x text")) == 12
chart.show_minor_x_labels = False
q = chart.render_pyquery()
assert len(q(".axis.x text.major")) == 3
assert len(q(".axis.x text")) == 3
chart.show_minor_x_labels = True
chart.x_labels_major = None
chart.x_labels_major_every = 2
q = chart.render_pyquery()
assert len(q(".axis.x text.major")) == 6
assert len(q(".axis.x text")) == 12
chart.x_labels_major_every = None
chart.x_labels_major_count = 4
q = chart.render_pyquery()
assert len(q(".axis.x text.major")) == 4
assert len(q(".axis.x text")) == 12
chart.x_labels_major_every = None
chart.x_labels_major_count = 78
q = chart.render_pyquery()
assert len(q(".axis.x text.major")) == 12
assert len(q(".axis.x text")) == 12
[docs]def test_y_label_major(Chart):
"""Test y label major option"""
if Chart in (
Pie, Treemap, Funnel, Dot, Gauge, Histogram, Box, SolidGauge,
HorizontalBar, HorizontalStackedBar,
HorizontalStackedLine, HorizontalLine,
Pyramid, DateTimeLine, TimeLine, DateLine,
) or issubclass(Chart, BaseMap):
chart = Chart()
data = range(12)
if Chart == XY:
data = list(zip(*[range(12), range(12)]))
chart.add('test', data)
chart.y_labels = range(12)
q = chart.render_pyquery()
assert len(q(".axis.y text.major")) == 3
chart.y_labels_major = [1.0, 5.0, 11.0]
q = chart.render_pyquery()
assert len(q(".axis.y text.major")) == 3
assert len(q(".axis.y text")) == 12
chart.show_minor_y_labels = False
q = chart.render_pyquery()
assert len(q(".axis.y text.major")) == 3
assert len(q(".axis.y text")) == 3
chart.show_minor_y_labels = True
chart.y_labels_major = None
chart.y_labels_major_every = 2
q = chart.render_pyquery()
assert len(q(".axis.y text.major")) == 6
assert len(q(".axis.y text")) == 12
chart.y_labels_major_every = None
chart.y_labels_major_count = 4
q = chart.render_pyquery()
assert len(q(".axis.y text.major")) == 4
assert len(q(".axis.y text")) == 12
chart.y_labels_major_every = None
chart.y_labels_major_count = 78
q = chart.render_pyquery()
assert len(q(".axis.y text.major")) == 12
assert len(q(".axis.y text")) == 12
[docs]def test_no_y_labels(Chart):
"""Test no y labels chart"""
chart = Chart()
chart.y_labels = []
chart.add('_', [1, 2, 3])
chart.add('?', [10, 21, 5])
assert chart.render_pyquery()
[docs]def test_fill(Chart):
"""Test fill option"""
chart = Chart(fill=True)
chart.add('_', [1, 2, 3])
chart.add('?', [10, 21, 5])
assert chart.render_pyquery()
[docs]def test_render_data_uri(Chart):
"""Test the render data uri"""
chart = Chart(fill=True)
chart.add(u('ééé'), [1, 2, 3])
chart.add(u('èèè'), [10, 21, 5])
assert chart.render_data_uri().startswith(
[docs]def test_classes(Chart):
"""Test classes option"""
chart = Chart()
assert chart.render_pyquery().attr('class') == 'pygal-chart'
chart = Chart(classes=())
assert not chart.render_pyquery().attr('class')
chart = Chart(classes=(_ellipsis,))
assert chart.render_pyquery().attr('class') == 'pygal-chart'
chart = Chart(classes=('graph',))
assert chart.render_pyquery().attr('class') == 'graph'
chart = Chart(classes=('pygal-chart', 'graph'))
assert chart.render_pyquery().attr('class') == 'pygal-chart graph'
chart = Chart(classes=(_ellipsis, 'graph'))
assert chart.render_pyquery().attr('class') == 'pygal-chart graph'
chart = Chart(classes=('graph', _ellipsis))
assert chart.render_pyquery().attr('class') == 'graph pygal-chart'